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Jess Ava’s birthday May 21, 2022
July 19th 2017

The day Ava was born it was a miracle she was 2lbs 4 ounces she was small but mighty she was also a bossy baby she wanted to be fed when she wanted to be fed and you couldn't tell her other wise or she would have a fit but her little fits were so adorable just like her little sneezes and noises she would make I'll never forget those beautiful brown eyes and contagious smile she was the most precious baby she only fussed when she was hungry or in pain other then that she was a plesure she was very picky with the people that could hold her she was such a cuddle bear all she wanted to do was cuddle day in and day out she loved her pink fluffy blanket and her bottle was her favorite other then her pacifier and blanket she had such a personality from the second she was born she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at just a few hours old do to tests being ran other then that she loved cuddles or when her dad would fall or do something stupid all she could do is laugh her laugh was so Angelic and contagious
Jess Day at the park May 20, 2022
Ava is a outside type of girl she also loved swimming but in August of 2019 she decided she wanted to have a fun day at the park so that's exactly where she went she braught her little backpack full of toys,little gagets,mini drinks and amd once she got to the park she ran around for hours she made a few new friends and then she later down in the grass in the sun and just looked up at the sky and said "the sky is pretty" and then she looked at me giggled and smiled and then said "I love the park" then she continued to look up at the sky and watch the birds fly around after awhile of doing that she got up had a drink and then went back to play some more on the play structure at the park with her new friends after that she played tag and hide and seek with them until she even went home
after she got home she expressed how happy she was that she went to the park and met new friends the park
Jess Day with friends May 20, 2022
one time Ava was with her friends and they went swimming and the girls had a fun time but then her friend fell down and got her and she did everything she could to help cheer her up she even let her frien hold onto one of her most favorite prized possession stuffed animal that she doesn't let anyone touch normally amd that made her friend really happy and after that Ava and her friends showered and got changed into comfortable clothes and then they sat in front of the TV and had a Movie marathon with snacks,drinka,fidgets and more her friends loved her so much she was their favorite friend because of how kindhearted and brave Ava was she was considered a hero to her friends and everyone else that knew her
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